Tires are an important component of your vehicle and should not be overlooked. Having bad tires on your vehicle can be dangerous and can lead to accidents and costly repairs. Are you wondering if your vehicle’s tires are in need of replacement? Look no further! Today, we’ll be discussing the common signs and symptoms of bad tires, as well as when and why you should replace them.

Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms that indicate your tires may need to be replaced:

  1. Low Tire Pressure

One of the most common signs of bad tires is low tire pressure. Of course, tires can lose air normally after some time. However, if you find it losing air much quicker than usual, this can be caused by a puncture or a slow leak, or worn-out tires. Low tire pressure can cause your vehicle to handle poorly and can even lead to a tire blowout.

  1. Uneven Tire Wear

Uneven tread wear can indicate a variety of issues, such as poor wheel alignment, overinflation, or worn-out tires. If you notice that your tire tread is wearing unevenly, you should have your tires inspected right away for replacement and address the root issue that has caused uneven tire wear.

  1. Cracking or Bulging

If you notice any cracking or bulging in your tires, it’s a sign that they’re nearing the end of their life. Rubber lasts a long time, but not forever. These signs are an indication that the rubber is drying out and can no longer support the weight of the vehicle. So, even if there are no other signs apart from just cracking, you should still consider getting your wheels replaced to avoid any unnecessary problems.

  1. Excessive Vibration

If you feel excessive vibration in your vehicle, it could be a sign that your tires are out of balance. This is usually caused by uneven tread wear or a puncture in the tire. In any case, vibration can be annoying and even cause you to lose control when driving. Such dangers must be avoided, so realigning your tires is a must. If they’re already damaged from this, then replacing the tires should be something to be considered.

When to Replace Your Tires

It’s recommended that you replace your tires every six years or so, but this can vary depending on the type of tires you have and how often you drive. If you notice any of the signs and symptoms listed above, it’s best to replace your tires sooner rather than later.

Replacing your tires can be a costly expense, but it’s well worth it for the safety of you and your passengers. If you’re not sure when to replace your tires, it’s best to consult with a professional to determine the best course of action.


All in all, knowing when to replace your tires is essential for safety and performance. If you notice any of the signs and symptoms listed above, it’s best to replace your tires sooner rather than later. Replacing your tires, while costly, is well worth it for the safety of you and your passengers. So, what are you waiting for? Get your tires replaced as soon as possible!

Hoover Automotive is a car service and repair provider offering a variety of repair and maintenance jobs to keep your car in great shape. If you are looking for a mechanic in Hoover, AL, to address your tire needs, get in touch with us today.

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