What You Need to Know About the “Clutch” Plus More!

August 5, 2021News

The clutch is the pedal you’ll see next to the gas and brakes on a manual car. You already knew that if you could drive a stick shift. However, you may not have given much thought to the clutch’s nitty-gritty mechanics. Here at Hoover Automotive, we’ve gathered all the details you’ll want to know about … Read More

4 Signs Your Vehicle Is In Need of a Tire Replacement

July 29, 2021News

Every driver knows that their car tires do not last forever. Sooner or later, it needs to be replaced. But how do you know when that time has come? The answer to that is a little more complicated than you might realize. Different drivers have different driving habits, not to mention drive in varying conditions. … Read More

The Different Types of Preventative Maintenance for Your Car

July 22, 2021News

Our cars should always be clean and well-maintained. A minor problem once or twice a year is fairly normal in cars of a certain age. However, a car that breaks down regularly may become expensive in the process. You should try to identify problems early on so you can have them fixed immediately, preventing large … Read More

5 Ways an Oil Change Affects Your Gas Mileage

July 15, 2021News

Many car owners are aware of the fact that having an oil change regularly is good for their vehicle’s performance and its ability to last over time. What some people don’t know is how exactly their car benefits from an oil change and how much of an impact it has on its gas mileage. Whenever … Read More

Spotting Broken Brake Pads: 3 Red Flags to Watch Out For

July 8, 2021Design

A vehicle can be an essential utility, especially if you want to avoid the hassles of commuting through public transport. However, it can also cause harm if you don’t check its different components properly. Your car has different components intended to protect you during a car crash. This includes the deployment of airbag modules and … Read More

Car Trouble: Signs You Need to Get Your Ignition Checked

July 1, 2021News

With hundreds of millions of vehicles traversing the United States’ roads every single day, it would be an understatement to say that Americans have mostly grown dependent on the need to get around on four wheels. At this rate, the average US citizen uses their car so much that they spend over 17,600 minutes driving … Read More